Monday 30 September 2013

Unscheduled Visits

So we had to take a trip to the hospital last week as Katherine rang me saying she had experienced some 'leakage' shall we say and after ringing the midwife she advised that we go to the triage department at the Basingstoke hospital as there was reduced fetal movement too.

As you can imagine we were both terrified because being our first baby we didn't know every ins and outs - the midwife initially said it might be the waters but we had to remain positive that all was well and this was common and normal.

The wait was long and didn't help us but we were eventually escorted to an examination room and told that they needed to do their thing and check the baby was ok etc and take a few tests so I made sure Katherine was comfortable and after a while we were told all was well and Baby Tring was kicking away but that Katherine now needed to make sure she was resting correctly and if it recoccured then we are to return straight away but we were so relieved!!

Katherine also had to have some physio as the right side of her pelvis was very painful and the physio explained that Katherine's posture wasn't helping and her and the baby were damaging her uteral lateral ligaments which would mean it wouldn't withstand a natural birth so she has been given exercises to do and make sure she is building the strength up in both her pelvic floor muscles and her uteral lateral ligaments.

Not a good week for our Katherine but all is well now :)


  1. Poor Katherine. Hope the exercises are helping x

  2. Thanks! Yeah hopefully it will start to strengthen but will find out at physio x
