Tuesday 24 June 2014

5 Month Update - Roo Watch!

Hello again!

Our little boy is 5 months and I just can't believe it - it has been filled with all sorts of emotions but worth every second.

Reuben is certainly packing on the pounds and weighs just over 17lb which is really good for his age, we don't mind and love squeezing his chunky little legs!

As far as a routine goes I will be listing more information in a 6 month update which will be out around the 12th of July :)

The weaning is interesting too and it's a very delicate and difficult process but who can blame our little babies for what they do and don't like or how they react as all they know is milk! I do love seeing what Roo likes and what he doesn't bless him, it is quite entertaining making up different meals for him to try! I can't wait until he is 6 months so we can mix his diet up a bit and make it more diverse,  can anyone recommend any books at all? I know Katherine and I are also looking forward to those first adventures with finger foods although if he doesn't eat them I know I will as some look so nice!

His poor little teeth are killing him at the moment and we both feel so helpless but his Sophie teething giraffe is certainly helping along with some teething granules. Hopefully we will see a little tooth or 2 make an appearance soon :)

We can't leave him for even a minute as he has rolled over quite a few times but hasn't quite mastered the art yet, Reuben still manages to astound midwife's and health visitors as he is such a strong little boy and constantly wants to be on the move or trying to stand up! He is growing up far too fast :(

Mummy completed the Race for Life recently (GO MUMMY!) and ran it for our Grandad Christy who passed away in November last year and we miss him terribly, it still makes me sad to think that him and Reuben will never meet, we will be planning a trip to Ireland next year so we can go and visit my Nanny and see Grandad's plot in Dublin! She did fantastic and we are all so proud of her :)

Just to finish off I was 'Best Man' at my best friend's wedding (also Reuben's godfather) last Saturday and what a day it was, they are so well suited and it was such a lovely event to be a part of! We all wish them a lifetime of happiness. I managed to crack out the speech which Katherine recorded so you never know it might make it on YouTube sometime soon, if you want to see it that it! :) 

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