Tuesday 18 March 2014


Got those dreaded jabs this week and Mummy doesn't like needles so I am going to attempt holding Roo bear whilst he is poked and prodded - fingers crossed!

Recently Reuben has gained such a personality, he loves to talk to himself and then seems to laugh at what he has just said, this is especially prominent when we are trying to put him to bed :) it is quite scary how quickly they grow up and when people tell you to cherish the first few months as they fly they really mean it!

Now I still remember when we were at the first scan phase of the pregnancy so it's quite a jump. 

There is no greater feeling when you wake up to a smiley baby, no matter what the problem is it instantly goes away and you just want to hold them so tightly because they bring such delight to your life.

Being a father is the single greatest thing in the world and I almost feel like I would give up anything so Reuben had everything.

He has just started sleeping through the night so we are delighted and following the same pattern each night seems to have paid off (bath, bottle & bed) I know he is only 9 weeks but IMO it is never too early to start a routine or to bring a familiar pattern to a child.

Reuben also seems to want to put everything in his mouth and this is no understatement so upon consulting the HV she said to purchase a teether or soft toy to see if this helps, it's often the case that the feed before bed Reuben will just play with the teet and not take any milk as if it's a comfort to him - we were also advised to prepare to teethe him earlier than normal (eeek!)

I will write a follow up post on this and what route we have decided to go down!

Bye for now!

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